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C04 Between Opening and Closing: Political Movements and Artistic Intervention

Increasingly, neo-right movements have been appropriating transgressive, subversive, and disruptive artistic strategies of intervention that have been traditionally codified as more left-wing. Against this backdrop, we pose the theoretically and politically urgent question as to whether progressive and regressive political movements differ not only in their goals but also in their aesthetic forms and artistic interventions. In an attempt to answer this question, this project distinguishes between different interventionist logics by considering the interaction between practices of drafting and discarding (SP 1). SP 2 focusses on the field of migrant and anti-racist movements by examining the critical potential of artistic interventions, particular those operating within the politics of remembrance, with the 19 February Hanau initiative used as an example in this context. SP 3 maps out the dynamics according to which ostensibly emancipatory frameworks are appropriated and transformed into manifestly regressive practices. Identitarianism and other neo-right movements are examined as being exemplary of such practices.

Head of Project

Prof. Dr. Robin Celikates (UP 1)

Doctoral Researcher

Sambojang Ceesay (UP 2)

Felix Werfel (UP 3)

Student Assistant

Clara von Hirschhausen

Imyeon Han (until July 31, 2023)