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Workshop | Butterflies That Drink Turtle Tears* – Some Attempts to Create Syntropically

12.12.2023 - 14.12.2023

Veranstaltung in englischer Lautsprache | Eintritt frei | Anmeldung erforderlich | kein barrierefreier Zugang

Workshop mit Gabriele Brandstetter vom Teilprojekt B02 und Mercator-Fellow Lia Rodrigues.

Lia Rodrigues borrowed this term from what is known as syntropic farming, a model of agriculture developed by the Swiss researcher and farmer Ernst Götsch, who moved to Brazil in 1980 where he created this practice. It is based on the natural process of ecosystem regeneration with the aim of introducing various species.

The principle is to create more life and soil fertility, a prosperous system and abundance - with the increase of biodiversity, the possibility of coexistence and mutual help between different and seasonal species.

Syntropic farming is defined by creation rather than destruction, in which plants, animals and humans are part of an interconnected system. Lia Rodrigues tries to transposed this idea (coexistence, diversity, mutual aid, abundance) in her projects, encouraging, as in a syntropic forest, the establishment of a regenerative, fertile, and prosperous ecosystem.

*'Lachryphagy', which literally means “tear-feeding”, is a phenomenon which is extremely hard to witness in nature. It is one of the ways that butterflies can get precious nutrition. Butterflies sip on tears to get sodium and other minerals which are needed for egg production and metabolism. It happens in the western Amazon rain forest.

Der Workshop findet an drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen statt. Es ist nicht möglich nur an einzelnen Tagen teilzunehmen. Bitte beachten Sie die verschiedenen Veranstaltungsorte.

Zeit & Ort

12.12.2023 - 14.12.2023

12.12.2023, 14-18 Uhr und
13.12.2023, 10-14 Uhr im
SFB 1512 Intervenierende Künste, Seminarraum, Grunewaldstr. 34, 12165 Berlin

14.12.2023, 9.30-13.30 Uhr im
Institute für Theaterwissenschaften, DanceLab, Grunewaldstr. 35, 12165 Berlin

Weitere Informationen

Eine Teilnahme an einzelnen Tagen ist nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich für den gesamten Workshop an unter aktuelles@sfb1512.de.