Border crosser. Reportage/literature as a borderless medium of public relations
Poster: Grenzgängerin. Die Reportage/-literatur als entgrenztes Medium der Öffentlichkeitsgestaltung
Event in German spoken language | Free entry | registration requested | Online participation possible | barrier-free access
Reportage and reportage literature are media of standing in between, of intervention and intervening. Not only do they stand between two modes of viewing and processing reality due to their journalistic fact-based nature and their literary qualities, but they also operate at borders themselves, where, as a medium of discovery and exposure, they shift the boundaries of the public sphere, bring previously concealed issues into the public spotlight and open them up for discussion, and lend voices and faces to marginalized groups of people. In doing so, they focus attention on the hidden, the unseen or less seen by the majority of the public. They thus function as media for the democratization of the public sphere(s) between journalism and literature, whose norms they have constantly challenged in their genesis.
The interdisciplinary one-day workshop brings together contributions from the fields of cultural studies, literature and theater studies that are dedicated to reportage and reportage literature from a diachronic or synchronic perspective, that examine their relationship to the public sphere(s) and investigate their intervening moment. Together with the panel discussion „Schöpfung. Kunst als Intervention und Zugang“ (“Creation. Art as intervention and access”) the workshop forms the Intervention Space Art and Academia Dortmund.
09:30 Einführung (Balint/Podulski)
Panel 1: Reportage/-literatur zwischen Erfahrung und Öffentlichkeit
(Moderation: Isabella Tschierschke)
09:45 Stephanie Marx (Wien): Ein Rückzugsort für das Ich. Reportage der Zwischenkriegszeit
10:30 Hendrikje Schauer (Jena): Problematische Interventionen? Reportage als Programm nach 1945. Das Beispiel Hans Werner Richter
11:15 Kaffeepause
Panel 2: Reportage/-literatur als Sichtbarmachung
(Moderation: Andrea Schütte)
11:45 Alexandra Dempe (Tübingen): Ent_Sehenes sichtbar machen: Deutschsprachige Reportagen über Afroamerika in den 1920er Jahren
12:30 Andreas Stuhlmann (Hamburg): Reportage transmedial: „Ende der Anfragen“ von Cristian Geissler (1965)
13:15 Mittagsessen
Panel 3: Reportage/-literatur und die Arbeitswelt
(Moderation: Arnold Maxwill)
14:45 Franziska Teubert (Berlin): Schreibmaschine, Lichtspielsäle, Streikbrecherei. Proletarische Polyphonie in den Tatsachenromanen von Maria Leitner und Luisa Carnés
15:30 Friederike Oberkrome (Berlin): Theater unter Tage und am Fließband. Anna Gmeyners dramatische Berichte aus der Arbeitswelt
16:15 Abschlussrunde
Time & Location
Oct 24, 2024 | 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
LWL-Museum, Zeche Zollern, Grubenweg 5, 44388 Dortmund
Further Information
The conference will be held in German. Please register for the event at Digital participation will be possible. The participation link will be sent out in near time.