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Inaugural session of CRC 1512

Konstituierende Sitzung des SFB 1

Konstituierende Sitzung des SFB 1
Image Credit: Webex Screenshot

Konstituierende Sitzung des SFB 2

Konstituierende Sitzung des SFB 2
Image Credit: Webex Screenshot

News from Jan 27, 2022

In an online meeting, the members of the CRC 1512 came together for the inaugural session. The main item on the agenda was the election of the board.

Jürgen Brokoff was elected as spokesperson, Matthias Warstat as his deputy. Further members of the board are: Gabriele Brandstetter, Silvy Chakkalakal, Beate Söntgen and Brigitte Weingart, and interim Anna Kipke (Predoc) and Petra Wodtke (Postdoc).


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